1st National Symposium
Integrating Traditional Knowledge in Evidence Based Medicine
21-22 September, 2023
1st National Symposium
Integrating Traditional Knowledge in Evidence Based Medicine
Students and Young Investigators
21-22 September, 2023
Khanolkar Shodhika, Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Tata Memorial Centre, Plot No 1 & 2, Sector 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-410210
About Integrating Traditional Knowledge in Evidence Based Medicine Symposium
The spotlight of the symposium will be on the wealth of indigenous knowledge on human physiology, its reciprocal relationship with nature, and how this ‘know-how’ was used to treat diseases. The defining principles of medicine prevalent then are not very obvious today.
In this symposium, we bring together a panel of experts to synergize the concepts and find ways to integrate traditional knowledge with modern biology. This alone can pave way for a truly systems approach in understanding human biology, its pathophysiology and treatment of management of chronic diseases such as cancer.
The Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) is the state of art of R&D wing of the Tata Memorial Centre, spread in a 60 acre terrain. It is located in the picturesque settings at the foothills of the Sahyadri hills in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. ACTREC encompasses, the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), Clinical Research Centre (CRC) and Centre for Cancer Epidemiology (CCE). This unique setting is built in India and is evolved with a vision to provide comprehensive care, through its dictum of quality in services, education and research in Cancer. https://actrec.gov.in
About TMC
The Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is an autonomous body funded and governed by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. The Centre provides leadership in guiding the national policy and strategy for cancer care by way of promoting outstanding services through evidence-based practice of oncology, commitment to imparting education in cancer to students, professionals, trainees and emphasize on research that is affordable, innovative and relevant to needs of the country. https://tmc.gov.in/
Dr. Ajit Kumar Mohanty, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
Dr. Rajendra Badwe, Director, Tata Memorial Centre
Dr. Sudeep Gupta, Director, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre
Organizing Committee
Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman, ACTREC
Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, ACTREC
Dr. Surinder Kumar Kaul, Diya
Dr. Vikram Gota, ACTREC
Dr. Jyoti Kode, ACTREC
Mr. Satish Bhangale, ACTREC
Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman, Deputy Director, Cancer Research Institute (CRI). ACTREC Tata Memorial Centre
Prof. Mitali Mukerji, FNASc, Professor and Head of Dept of Bioscience and Bioengineering, IIT Jodhpur.
Dr. Vikram Gota, M.D. (Pharmacology) Associate Professor Clinical Pharmacology, Tata Memorial Centre, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai.
Dr. Anurag Varshney, Vice President, and Head - Drug Discovery and Development, Uttarakhand.
Day 1: 21/09/2023
Inauguration Session
09:00 to 09:10 AM
09:10 to 09:20 AM
09:20 to 09:35 AM
09:35 to 09:50 AM
09:50 to 10:05 AM
10:05 to 10:10 AM
Dr. Sudeep Gupta
Director, TMC- ACTREC, Mumbai
Dr. Rajendra Badwe
Director, TMC, Mumbai
Prof. Vd. Rabinarayan Acharya
Director General, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Mumbai
Dr. Anil Kakodkar
Chancellor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai & Former Secretary, DAE
Dr. Prashant Dhakephalkar
Director, MACS Agharkar Research Institute, Pune
Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman
Welcome address
Vision of Khopoli Project
Address by the Guest of Honour
Address by the Chief Guest
Address by the Guest of Honour
Vote of thanks
Tea Break (10:10 AM to 10:30 AM)
Session 1
Integration of Modern and Traditional Medicines
10:30 to 11:00 AM
11:00 to 11:25 AM
Prof. Vd. Rabinarayan Acharya
Director General, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Mumbai
Dr. Harshal Tambe
SMBT Educational Trust, Nashik
Keynote Address
Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan
Distinguished Professor, School of Health Sciences, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Dr. Sudatta Shirolkar
Jiva Ayurveda Clinic and Panchakarma Centre, Mumbai
Ayurveda-based Therapeutic Adjuvants in Cancer
Tulsi- Holy Basil: A Potent Drug in Ayurveda Chikitsa: Yet to Explore Many Secrets Scientifically
Session 2
Decoding Phytomedicines using Modern Scientific Techniques
11:25 to 11:50 AM
11:50 to 12:15 PM
12:15 to 12:40 PM
12:40 to 01: 05 PM
Dr. Prashant Dhakephalkar
Director, MACS Agharkar Research Institute, Pune
Dr. Zabeer Ahmed
Director CSIR – Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Canal Road, Jammu
Keynote Address by
Prof. Indraneel Mittra
Dr. Ernest Borges Chair in Translational Research and Professor Emeritus, Department of Surgical Oncology, Tata Memorial Centre ACTREC, Mumbai
Prof. Areejit Samal
Professor, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai
Prof. R. Sowdhamini
Professor, National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) Bangalore
Dr. Viral Patel
Coordinator, Yagyavalkya Center for Yagya Research
Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar
Exploiting the damaging effects of ROS for therapeutic use: Role of plant polyphenols and copper
A Phytochemical Atlas of Indian Medicinal Plants to Harness Traditional Knowledge
Genome sequencing of Tulsi
Poster Session I (01:05 PM – 01.35 PM)
Lunch (01:35 PM to 02:30 PM)
Session 3
Ayurvedic Perspectives in Disease Management
02:30 to 02:50 PM
02:50 to 03:10 PM
03:10 to 03:30 PM
03:30 to 03:50 PM
03:50 to 04:10 PM
Dr. Govind Reddy
Assistant Director, RRA Podar, Matunga
Dr. Nitin Kochar
Gurukrupa Ayurvedic Clinic, Mumbai
Prof. G.G Gangadharan
Director, Ramaiah Indic Specialty Ayurveda Restoration Hospital (RISA) - Ramaiah Ayurveda Hospital, Bangalore
Dr. K. M. Madhu
Chief Medical Officer (Ayurveda), Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal.
Dr. E. T. Yadu Narayanan Mooss
Executive Director, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Research Institute (VARI), Thrissur, Kerala
Dr. C. I. Jolly
Research Adviser, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Research Institute (VARI), Thrissur, Kerala
Dr. Lal Hingorani
Pharmanza Herbal Pvt Ltd., Kaniya, Gujarat
Clinical experience of treating Anaplastic Astrocytoma with a case report survival >5yrs
Ayurvedic Management in Geriatric Oncology
Modern Systems Biology vis a vis Ayurveda-A holistic approach
Mitigating side effects of allopathy using Ayurveda
Phase II Clinical Tria of APG-157 for Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer : Results of Interim Data
Tea Break (04:10 PM to 04:30 PM)
Session 4
Research and Development of Herbal Medicines at Patanjali
04:30 to 04:50 PM
04:50 to 05:10 PM
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Raut
Director, Clinical Research, Kasturba Health Society Medical Research Centre, Mumbai
Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Scientific Officer G, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
Dr. Savita Lochab
Patanjali Research Institute, Haridwar
Dr. Kunal Bhattacharya
Patanjali Research Institute, Haridwar
Unlocking the Potential of traditionally recognized Pistacia integerrima in Combating Lung Cancer Progression: Insights into Autophagic Cell Death and Signaling Mechanisms
Harnessing the Power of Nanotechnology in Traditional Ayurveda Medicine: Focus on Nano-Mandoor Bhasma in Ameliorating Iron Deficiency Anemia.
Panel Discussion (05:10 PM to 06:10 PM)
‘A SWOT analysis of Integrating Traditional Knowledge in EBM’
Moderators: Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman & Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi
-Dr. Parvinder Pal Singh - Dr. Anil Kakodkar - Dr. Vd. Rabinarayan Acharya - Dr. Zabeer Ahmed
- Prof. Mitali Mukerji - Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan - Dr. Anurag Varshney - Dr. Rajendra Badwe
Dinner (07:00 PM onwards)
Time Speakers Title/Event
Day 2: 22/09/2023
Time Speakers Title/Event
Session 1
A Contemporary Perspective of Traditional Medicinal System
09:00 to 09:30 AM
09:30 to 09:55 AM
09:55 to 10:20 AM
10:20 to 10:45 AM
Dr. Parvinder Pal Singh
Principal Scientist
Natural Products & Medicinal Chemistry Division
CSIR – IIIM, Jammu
Dr. Viral Patel
Coordinator, Yagyavalkya Center for Yagya Research
Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar
Keynote Address
Prof. Subhash Lakhotia
Distinguished Professor (Lifetime), Banaras Hindu University and SERB Distinguished Fellow
Prof. Mitali Mukerji
Professor, and Head of Dept of Bioscience and Bioengineering, IIT Jodhpur
Dr. Anurag Varshney
Vice President and Head - Drug Discovery and Development, Patanjali Research Institute, Uttarakhand
Prof. Praveen T. Krishnamurthy
Head, Dept. of Pharmacology, S. S. College of Pharmacy, Ooty
Understanding the biological and material basis of indigenous healthcare system essential for integrating medical facilities
Ayurgenomics based frameworks in precision and integrative medicine: Translational opportunities
Mechanistic understanding of Ayurvedic medicines in integrated cancer management
Herbal Drug Research: Current Issues and Challenges
Tea Break (10:45 AM to 11:00 AM)
Session 2
AYUSH and Related Research & Development at Tata Memorial Centre
11:00 to 11:15 AM
11:15 to 11:30 AM
11:30 to 11:45 AM
11:45 to 12:00 PM
12:00 to 12:15 PM
12:15 to 12:30 PM
Dr. Anurag Varshney
Vice President and Head - Drug Discovery and Development, Patanjali Research Foundation, Uttarakhand
Dr. Shripad Banavali
Director Academics, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
Dr. Shalaka Joshi
Professor, Department of Surgical Oncology, TMC - ACTREC, Mumbai
Dr. Navin Khattry
Professor Medical Oncology, TMC - ACTREC, Mumbai
Dr. Tapan Ghanty
Director, Bioscience Group, BARC
Dr. Vikram Gota
Professor, Clinical Pharmacology Department, TMC - ACTREC, Mumbai
Dr. Manohar Gundetti
Research Officer (Ayurveda) · RRA Podar Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Mumbai
Dr. Sudhir Nair
Prof. Head & Neck Oncology, TMC - ACTREC, Mumbai
Safety and pharmacokinetics of a standardized cannabinoid formulation in cancer patients
Curcumin for the prevention of mucosal toxicity in high-dose chemo conditioning
Chlorophyllin: Green Revolution in Radioprotection
Withania somnifera extract: Is the whole better than its parts?
Investigating Ayurvedic Interventions/Concepts in Integrative Cancer Medicine
Exploring the role of Curcumin in the prevention of second primary oral cancer
Poster Session II (12:30 PM – 01:00 PM)
Lunch (01:00 PM to 02:00 PM)
Session 3
Medicinal Plant Cultivation – Challenges and Opportunities
02:00 to 02:20 PM
02:20 to 02:40 PM
02:40 to 03:00 PM
Prof. Subhash Lakhotia
Distinguished Professor (Lifetime), Banaras Hindu University and SERB Distinguished Fellow, Varanasi
Dr. Santosh Sandur
Head, Radiation Biology & Health Sciences Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Dr. Deepak Sharma
Head, Radiation Biology & Health Sciences Division, BARC, Mumbai
Dr. Mandar Datar
Scientist, Biodiversity and Paleobiology Group,
MACS-Agharkar Research Institute, Pune
Prof. Padmanabh Dwivedi
Professor & Head, Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Mutation breeding for improving the agro-morphological traits of three Indian traditional rice varieties with immune-boosting, immune suppressive and aromatic properties
Nurturing Nature's Remedies: Overcoming Hurdles in Medicinal Plant Cultivation
In vitro conservation of commercially important medicinal plants: Insights into Phytochemistry and pharmaceutical importance
Flash talks from Abstracts (03:00 PM to 04:00 PM)
Tea Break (04:00 PM to 04:15 PM)
Concluding Session & Vote of Thanks (04:15 to 04:45 PM)
Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Indraneel Mittra
Dr. Ernest Borges Chair in Translational Research and Professor Emeritus, Department of Surgical Oncology, Tata Memorial Center, ACTREC, Mumbai.
Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan
FNASc, FAMS National Research Professor- Ayush Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Savitribai Phule Pune University Ganeshkhind, Pune.
Prof. Subhash Lakhotia
BHU Distinguished Professor (Lifelong) & SERB Distinguished Fellow
Cytogenetics Laboratory
Department of Zoology
Banaras Hindu University Varanasi.
Confirmed Speakers
Prof. Mitali Mukerji
Dr. Anurag Varshney
Dr. Vikram Gota
Dr. Mandar Datar
Prof. Tapan Ghanty
Prof. Padmanabh Dwivedi
Dr. C. I. Jolly
Dr. Sudatta Shirolkar
Dr. Kunal Bhattacharya
Dr. Deepak Kumar Sharma
Dr. Manohar Gundeti
Dr. Navin Khattry
Dr. E. T. Yadu Narayanan Mooss
Prof. Areejit Samal
Prof. R. Sowdhamini
Prof. G. G. Gangadharan
Dr. K.M. Madhu
Dr. Sudhir Nair
Dr. Shalaka Joshi
Dr. Lal Hingorani
Dr. Savita Lochab
Dr. Praveen Krishnamurthy
Those companies who are interested to book Stalls
Please find below the details:
Size: 10ft x 8ft
Rent: Rs. 10,000.00 (Includes 2 persons registration)
Kindly mail us on: itkebm2023@gmail.com
Abstracts are invited for Poster and Oral Presentations from Students and Young Investigators
Topics for Poster Presentation & Short Talks
Ayurveda for Disease Management in patients
Medicinal Plant Cultivation – Tools and techniques
Preclinical studies of medicinal plant extracts/active ingredients
Mechanism of Action of Active Ingredients of plant extracts
Integrating Ayurvedic concepts in understanding modern diseases
Computational approaches for harnessing traditional knowledge in modern medicine
Abstract Submission
Last Date of Registration and Abstract Submission is 11th September 2023
Title (150 characters)
List of authors (Name of presenting author to be underlined) Affiliations
Abstract length 250 words
All documents should be in Times New Roman font size 12 and uploaded as a Microsoft word document.
Poster Presentation
Poster dimensions should be a standard format Height=84.1cm and Width=118.9cm research poster.
Award Prizes for Poster Presentation & Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
First Prize Rs. 3000
Second Prize Rs. 1500
Oral Presentation
First Prize Rs. 5000
Second Prize Rs. 2500
Payment of Fees must accompany the Registration Form. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is received in full. Payment must be made in Indian Rupees. Bank charges if any to be borne by the applicant. The organizer will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of funds. The fees are inclusive of GST.
Instructions for Registration:
1. Transfer the funds and note down the transaction details (Transaction ID/ UTR No.)
2. Click on the below Registration link and fill-in details (It is mandatory to have a Gmail account) and submit the form.
Registration Fee: Rs. 500
Bank Details
Bank Account Number: 1797305746 (Current Account)
Bank Name & Branch: Central Bank of India, Kharghar Branch, Navi Mumbai: IFSC Code: CBIN0284047
Dates to Remember
Last Date of Registration for ACTREC Students – 10th September 2023
Extended till 11th September 2023
Last Date of Registration for Outside Students – 10th September 2023
Extended till 11th September 2023
Last Date for Abstract Submission – 10th September 2023
Extended till 11th September 2023
The registration fee will include lunch, high tea. Accommodation- Only 50 Students accommodation will be provided on triple sharing basis (First Come First Serve).